In e-book somewhere in 2024

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Synopsis of the book

Dive into the realm of digital accessibility with "What Designers Need to Know About Accessibility," an innovative guide that transcends conventional standards to provide designers (and developers) with a practical and humanized approach to creating accessible digital experiences.

Crafted to go beyond the complex rules set by WCAG & RGAA, this book offers a transformative journey, unveiling tangible tips and actionable ideas. Explore the diverse needs covered by RGAA while going further by integrating ergonomic practices that will genuinely enhance the experience for all users, regardless of their type of disability.

Discover how to make your creations accessible without compromising creativity and innovation.

After 14 years delving into the intricate world of web, the author shares profound perspectives on the specific challenges designers face, providing practical solutions and tips to simplify the complexity of standards. Learn to integrate accessibility into the core of the design process, transforming how you conceptualize and deliver digital products.
This book is not just a technical guide but a travel companion for web professionals, assisting them in creating digital experiences that embrace user diversity.

Outline of the ebook “What Designers Need to Know About Accessibility”

The outline as presented here may be subject to change as the book is finalized. This is the whole point of offering an e-book.

  1. What do we call Accessibility?
  2. What are the WCAG?
  3. What designers need to know?
  4. How to handle user testing for accessibility?
  5. What future for web accessibility?